Grace Rosario Perkins:
Let Me Clear My Throat
February 11th-March 25th, 2023
Lets Go Back To That Magic Place That Only You and I Have Seen (Illuminations), 2023, acrylic, spray paint, paper, and transparencies on canvas, 77 x 60 inches
Things Are Gonna Change I Know, 2023, acrylic, spray paint on canvas, 48 x 38 inches
Broken Oracle in the Banquet Hall, 2023, acrylic, spray paint, enamel, paper, gummy snake, paper, rose petals, altar oil, flower essence, crushed plastic, matches, mesh bag, gold resin, black salt on canvas, 60 x 39 inches
I Thought This Was A Polychrest (Integrity/Spitting in the Cup), 2023, acrylic, spraypaint on canvas, 60 x 43 inches
This is A Painting about Marv Johnson’s ‘Come To Me’, 2023, acrylic, spray paint, enamel, paper, salt, flower essence, and copal on canvas, 49 x 36 inches
No Greater Than a Mirror Image, 2023, acrylic, paper, enamel, spraypaint, plastic bag, masking tape, plaster, altar oil, salt, green candle wax on canvas, 60 x 46 inches
Birthday Painting, 2023, acrylic, spray paint, and bay leaves on canvas, 77 x 60 inches